Blob is gone--something funny happened, I guess. I went back to using
the original mtz from scala, removed and replaced a bunch of waters,
and no more worm! I can't really figure it out, and wish I knew
exactly what happened, but I think I am just going to non-chalantly
move along.


On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 8:41 PM, Yuri Pompeu <> wrote:
> Jacob,
> By simply looking at the figures you show, it does look like you have some 
> type of long, maybe polymeric, molecule bound.
> With that being said:
> 1- It is in the symmetry axis so maybe be a little noisy there
> 2-If you are in doubt about it being real or not check the density and how it 
> fits into your protein and (symm. related neighbours of course). If the 
> desity appears to be in position for some real interactions- i.e, there are 
> some peaks at H-bond distances of polar groups etc...- it may be real. If its 
> all random and through your protein atoms, probably not
> Keep in mind alternate conformers....

Jacob Pearson Keller
Northwestern University
Medical Scientist Training Program

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