Dear All,
A post-doc position is available at the Structural Genomics Consortium in 
Oxford ( to study the structures of human ion 
and other human membrane proteins.

We are seeking an enthusiastic and energetic membrane protein scientist with a 
strong interest in ion channel structural biology. This role will involve 
purification, crystallisation, structure characterisation and functional 
studies of human ion channels and other membrane proteins. You will be working 
in close collaboration with a team of membrane protein scientists in the 
Integral Membrane Protein (IMP) group, led by Dr Liz Carpenter. In the past two 
years we have developed a pipeline at the SGC for production of human membrane 
proteins in the baculovirus/insect cell expression system. We recently solved 
our first structure,  first structure of a human ABC transporter, the 
mitochondrial ABC transporter ABCB10, (pdb: 2ly4). We plan in future to focus 
on medically important human ion channels.
The post is available for two years in the first instance.
Closing Date:  Friday, January 20, 2012
For informal enquiries about this post, please email

To apply for this role and for further details, including a job description and 
person specification, please click on the link below:

With best wishes,
Liz Carpenter

Dr Liz Carpenter
Principal Investigator for the Integral Membrane Protein Group
Structural Genomics Consortium
Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine
University of Oxford
Old Road Campus Research Building
Roosevelt Drive
Headington, Oxford OX3 7DQ<>
Tel: +44 (0) 1865 617581

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