Dear all, 

I am trying to express a eukatiotic protein (E. coli codon optimized sequence) 
with a GST tag at the N-terminus. I always get my overexpressed protein and a 
contaminant around 60kDa. This contaminant is not washed out of the column when 
washing glutathione beads with 1M NaCl-buffer. However, during o/n incubation 
with proteases that cleave the GST off (thrombin or TEV), the contaminant is in 
the soluble fraction..... 

Has someone had this experience? I know about contaminants that bind to Ni2+ 
when overexpressing a His-tagged protein, but this is the first time I get such 
thing with a GST-tagged protein. 

One could think that that "contaminant" could be a protein that binds to my 
overexpressed protein, but I do not think so, cause I always get a huge band of 
the contaminant, independently on the amount of the protein of interest.... 
Many thanks in advance for all your suggestions and sorry for asking about 
non-crystallographic topics. 



María José Sánchez-Barrena, PhD  

Departamento de Cristalografía y Biología Estructural.  

Instituto de Química Física Rocasolano. CSIC  

Serrano 119. 28006 Madrid (Spain) 


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