Dear colleagues,

On behalf of the organizers, Maria Armenia Carrondo and Thomas R. Schneider I have the following course announcement:

FEBS Practical & Lecture Course
Fundamentals of Modern Methods in Biocrystallography

*20th - 27th October 2012 at the Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica, Oeiras, Portugal. *

Topics of the course will run from fundamentals such as symmetry, point groups and crystal systems, basic diffraction physics, reciprocal space and the Ewalds sphere, radiation damage, data processing, symmetry in the diffraction pattern, structure factors, Patterson function to modern methodologies including molecular replacement, SAD, MAD, MIR and maximum likelihood phasing, direct methods, density modification, refinement, model building, twinning and structure validation. Main challenges on sample preparation and crystallization of proteins will also be covered.

The course will be organized with lectures in the mornings and interactive practicals and tutorials in the afternoons. Evening lectures will address two main important topics within Structural Biology, one covering studies of membrane proteins and the other the beginning of the use of free electron lasers in macromolecular Crystallography.

Participants will be limited to 36, aimed primarly at people at the beginning of their crystallographic research activity as PhD students or others. Selected applicants are invited to present a poster during the course.

*Speakers and tutors: *

*Margarida Archer, Isabel Bento, Gabor Bunkoczi, Kevin Cowtan*
*Zbigniew Dauter, Carlos Frazão, Elspeth Garman, Christoph Hermes*
*Edward Hough, Gordon Leonard, Andrew Leslie, Bernhard Lohkamp, Adrian Mancuso**
Pedro Matias, Rob Meijers, Poul Nissen, Anastassis Perrakis, Célia Romão*
*Thomas Schneider, Clemens Vonrhein*

A registration fee of*600 Euros* for academic and *1000 Euros *for non-academic applicants is requested for full board and accommodation. Selected applicants will have to pay the registration fee by bank transfer before arrival.

A limited number of grants is available from *FEBS*and from *IUCr*. How to apply <>

For an application, please fill the form on the web page by the 31th of July.

For more information visit the course web page

*Colin E. McVey, DPhil*

Auxilliary Researcher
Structural Genomics Lab
Macromolecular Crystallography Unit
Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica
Av. da Republica, EAN          | Phone:(351)214469663
Apartado 127                  | Fax :(351)214433644
2781-901 Oeiras              |

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