Dear All,

I have read a recent paper by Salgado et al about using non-auxotrophic E.coli 
to incorporate SeCys into recombinant protein for phasing purposes.  Does 
anyone have a source for Selenocysteine?  I have also seen a paper by Schaefer 
et al which uses nitric acid treated elemental Se for a sulfur surrogate to 
generate Se-labeled protein.  Has anyone else tried this?  My proteins are rich 
in Cys and tend to lack Met so the prospect of labeling cys is very attractive.


Linda Olson, PhD
Research Scientist II
Dept Biochemistry
Medical College of Wisconsin
8701 Watertown Plank Rd
Milwaukee, WI 53226

phone: 414-955-8545
fax:  414-456-6510

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