I suspect the problem is that sftools hasn't been modernised to alter all the 
cell dimension records used in current MTZ files. I can't remember right now 
but maybe the DCELL command in cad might fix it. 

Randy Read

Randy J. Read

> On 2 Oct 2013, at 17:13, wtempel <wtem...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to expand a reflection data set in mtz format from C2221 to P21. 
> The purpose is to obtain consistent R-free flags based on a structure already 
> refined in C2221 for a related data set that I suspect is pseudo-C2221 but 
> "real" P21.
> Primitive cell dimensions are: 37.6 126.1 40.61 89.99 117.6 90.01, 
> C-centered: 37.6 71.99 126.1 90 89.99 90.01
> pointless provides the following matrix:
> <pointless>
> Reindex operator from input cell to lattice cell: [h,h+2l,-k]
>    h'   = ( h k l ) (       1       1       0 )
>                     (       0       0      -1 )
>                     (       0       2       0 )
> </pointless>
> In sftools, I loaded the C2221 data set and did
> sftools$ reindex matrix 1 0 0 0 0 -1 -.5 .5 0
> with the transposed (to account for the presumably inverted order of factors 
> in the program?) inverse matrix of the one listed above with the aim of 
> restoring the primitive asymmetric unit.
> I was encouraged seeing sftools report new cell dimensions matching the 
> expected primitive cell.
> Then I did
> sftools$ expand 4
> I expected now to have a "workable" P21 version of my C2221 data set, but 
> molecular replacement (MOLREP) with my C2221 model failed to place even a 
> single copy of the model.
> Thus, I must have misused sftools by issuing commands that were either wrong 
> or in the wrong order or my application of linear algebra was mistaken.
> Any ideas out there?
> Thanking you in advance,
> Wolfram Tempel

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