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Dear W.,

if P21 is a proper subgroup of C2221, scaling a P21 data set in C2221
would try to make non-equivalent reflections equal, would it not? I
would reintegrate the data in the correct point group and scale in the
correct space group.


On 10/02/2013 08:32 PM, wtempel wrote:
> Hello Appu and Boaz, my suspicion arises from failure to refine (as
> in reducing crystallographic R-factor from the 40%s) a related,
> virtually isomorphous crystal structure in the original C2221
> setting. Scaling statistics are very nice even in C2221. If I drop
> the symmetry to P21, the R-factor drops to a little more than 0.3
> and the maps look significantly cleaner. Caveat: because I am not 
> using a consistent free set between the C2221 and P21 settings, I
> do not trust Rfree as a reliable progress indicator in this case. 
> P21 is a subgroup (or superset) of C2221, per "the tables". And as
> there is a transformation between them, should not that
> transformation be applicable to the "lattice sampling"? I would
> therefore like to cleanly expand my free set from C2221 to P21.
> Using REINDEX following Appu's suggestion, with specification of
> the new space group again gets me the familiar P21 cell dimensions,
> but the unique reflection count remains unchanged when I would 
> expect it to approximately double. Now I do not know how to best
> generate the other half of the data set or even if something is
> wrong at this point already. W.
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Appu kumar
> <appu.kum...@gmail.com> Date: Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 1:29 PM Subject:
> Re: [ccp4bb] expanding reflections from C2221 to P21 To: wtempel
> <wtem...@gmail.com>, CCP4BB <CCP4BB@jiscmail.ac.uk>
> How do you suspect that C2221 is 'pseudo' and P21 is 'real'? You
> can use the reindex programme incorporated in ccp4 suit. Reindex
> programme can expand symmetry from C2221 to P21.I Hope you will get
> the result. Thank you Appu
> On 2 October 2013 21:43, wtempel <wtem...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello, I would like to expand a reflection data set in mtz format
>> from C2221 to P21. The purpose is to obtain consistent R-free
>> flags based on a structure already refined in C2221 for a related
>> data set that I suspect is pseudo-C2221 but "real" P21.
>> Primitive cell dimensions are: 37.6 126.1 40.61 89.99 117.6
>> 90.01, C-centered: 37.6 71.99 126.1 90 89.99 90.01 pointless
>> provides the following matrix: <pointless> Reindex operator from
>> input cell to lattice cell: [h,h+2l,-k]
>> h'   = ( h k l ) (       1       1       0 ) (       0       0
>> -1 ) (       0       2       0 )
>> </pointless> In sftools, I loaded the C2221 data set and did
>> sftools$ reindex matrix 1 0 0 0 0 -1 -.5 .5 0
>> with the transposed (to account for the presumably inverted order
>> of factors in the program?) inverse matrix of the one listed
>> above with the aim of restoring the primitive asymmetric unit. I
>> was encouraged seeing sftools report new cell dimensions matching
>> the expected primitive cell. Then I did
>> sftools$ expand 4
>> I expected now to have a "workable" P21 version of my C2221 data
>> set, but molecular replacement (MOLREP) with my C2221 model
>> failed to place even a single copy of the model. Thus, I must
>> have misused sftools by issuing commands that were either wrong
>> or in the wrong order or my application of linear algebra was 
>> mistaken. Any ideas out there? Thanking you in advance, Wolfram
>> Tempel

- -- 
Dr Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen

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