Thank you all for your suggestions, I copied them below
I also found a paper for making Src and Abl catalytic domains Protein
Science Dec 2005

Before, I found a paper of Bhandari R (2000) where they describe the
co-expression of tyrosine kinase EphB1 (attached file). I haven’t checked
how generic the kinase is.

Kind regards

Seppe Leysen

Guillermo Montoya <>

I do not have the full reference here
But there is a febs lett paper from crhistoph muller group where they co
express stat transcription factor with a kinase to obtain the dimer

Dimerisation depends on tyr phosphorylation

Hope it helps


 This is in response to your post on the CCP4 bulletin board.
We either express Src independently and mix it with the target protein to
be phosphorylated in the presence of ATP at 37°C (works well) or co-express
the target protein with a non-specific PTK.


 Nicolas Nassar, PhD
On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 2:13 AM, Edward A. Berry <> wrote:

> The kinase domain of FAK can be made constitutively active by a mutation
> and expressed in E. coli. It's called "Super FAK Kinase". But i am afraid
> it is rather specific. If you don't get a better lead I can send you the
> sequence and a reference.
> Gloria Borgstahl wrote:
>> Does anyone know of a good way to phosphorylate the Tyr on a protein for
>> structural
>> studies?  Is there a generic kinase that can be coexpressed or purified
>> for phosphorylation?
>> The pCMF Amber codon system is very expensive
>> and Glu really doesn't mimic pTyr all that well.
>> Any ideas/help would be appreciated, G

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