Hi Rohit,

If it is of some significance you may consider replacing NaCl with KI or NaI in 
your crystallization condition and collect a dataset at 1.5-2 Angstrom. The 
Iodide anomalous signal might be of some help for identifying Chloride binding 
Without further evidence for a Cl ion, unless the environment strongly suggests 
an anion binding site (as what Robbie said) my personal view is that it is more 
proper to put a water there. 


From: rohit kumar 
Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2015 1:59 AM
Subject: [ccp4bb] chloride or water

Dear all,

I am solving a data of 3.0 Å resolution. In the active site we found an 
unidentified blob. The crystallization condition is (PEG 3350-25%, 
Naformate-200mM, MES (100mM)-6.5pH, and Nacl-200mM). 
Can anyone suggest what it could be? If I suppose that, it is chloride, how 
could someone differentiate between a chloride moiety and water.
below I am showing the coot figure in two different orientations.

Thanks in advance...




Rohit Kumar Singh
Lab. no. 430,
P.I. Dr. S. Gourinath,
School of Life Sciences,
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi -110067

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