I did the same search as above (Patrick).

I am confused how with SHELX you can get 320 (when using SOFTWARE) and then
when using TEXT only 130.

I get the same no's.

If the word SHELX exists as follows

the same "word" (SHELX) will be picked up when we do a text search as well
(Its there in the remarks section under software !) But obviously NOT !

I can understand is "text search" gave a higher no but in this case
"software" gives more entries.

I can also understand if one PDB id is retuned for multiple searches but
one keyword search (software or text) the same no must be returned.

I am a bit confused in the big disparity in no's 130/320

In both cases WITHOUT software/text word for SHELX I get 552 1.0A X-ray
structures of protein only.

On Sun, Jan 25, 2015 at 5:57 AM, Kay Diederichs <
kay.diederi...@uni-konstanz.de> wrote:

> Two additions:
> a) SHELXL accounts for 16 X-Ray depositions in 2014; 2 of them also use
> Phenix.
> b) one can select "Does NOT Contain:" instead of "Contains:". Excluding,
> in this manner, SHELXL, Phenix, Refmac, Buster and CNS, one gets  12
> entries. These employ mostly CNX, but also coot (!), X-PLOR, PRIMEX (?),
> and one more REFMAC (4OM5) which for some reason does not show up in the
> earlier Refmac search.
> This shows that the results must be taken with some caution.
> Kay

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