Dear Vijay,

Your problem sounds like a job for LigAlign:


On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 8:42 AM vijay srivastava <>

> Dear All,
> I want to superpose the nucleotide form one GTPase on to the nucleotide of
> other GTPase in order to study
> the interaction in the nucleotide binding pocket. I tried to superpose but
> it is superposing on the basis of secondary structure as a
> result both the nucleotides from two structutres are not properly
> aligned.  I want to superpose both  the nucleotide, so that I will get the
> matrix, which I want to apply on my desired strcuture and study the
> interacting residues.
> Do any one have the align program with you or any other program which can
> solve this problem.
> waiting for your kind response
> regards
> vijay

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