Dear Xiang-Jun Lu,

the part of the mmCIF file comes from a loop "_atom_site.group_PDB". According
to the mmCIF dictionary, 
" The group of atoms to which the atom site belongs. This data item is provided
for compatibility with the original Protein Data Bank format, and only for that

I reckon at the time the PDB file was deposited the policy about what is
considered a HETATM was different to now.


On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 01:06:11PM -0400, Xiang-Jun Lu wrote:
> Recently, I came across and was a bit surprised by the different assignment
> of HETATM vs. ATOM records for modified nucleotides in PDB vs. PDBx/mmCIF
> format. Using PDB entry 1ehz (the crystal structure of yeast phenylalanine
> tRNA at 1.93 Å resolution) as an example, 1MA58 in .pdb has atomic
> coordinates listed as:
> HETATM 1252  P   1MA A  58      73.770  67.765  34.057  1.00 30.65
>   P
> HETATM 1253  OP1 1MA A  58      72.638  67.886  33.105  1.00 32.84
>   O
> HETATM 1254  OP2 1MA A  58      73.621  68.229  35.450  1.00 29.49
>   O
> ......
> HETATM 1272  C2  1MA A  58      76.527  61.216  38.479  1.00 28.43
>   C
> HETATM 1273  N3  1MA A  58      75.793  61.624  37.453  1.00 31.67
>   N
> HETATM 1274  C4  1MA A  58      75.142  62.771  37.747  1.00 33.02
>   C
> and the corresponding section in .cif format is:
> ATOM   1252 P  P     . 1MA A 1 58 ? 73.770 67.765 34.057  1.00 30.65  ? ? ?
> ? ? ? 58  1MA A P     1
> ATOM   1253 O  OP1   . 1MA A 1 58 ? 72.638 67.886 33.105  1.00 32.84  ? ? ?
> ? ? ? 58  1MA A OP1   1
> ATOM   1254 O  OP2   . 1MA A 1 58 ? 73.621 68.229 35.450  1.00 29.49  ? ? ?
> ? ? ? 58  1MA A OP2   1
> ......
> ATOM   1272 C  C2    . 1MA A 1 58 ? 76.527 61.216 38.479  1.00 28.43  ? ? ?
> ? ? ? 58  1MA A C2    1
> ATOM   1273 N  N3    . 1MA A 1 58 ? 75.793 61.624 37.453  1.00 31.67  ? ? ?
> ? ? ? 58  1MA A N3    1
> ATOM   1274 C  C4    . 1MA A 1 58 ? 75.142 62.771 37.747  1.00 33.02  ? ? ?
> ? ? ? 58  1MA A C4    1
> While I have not checked exhaustively, the same inconsistency also occurs
> in several other cases I tested (e.g., 1s72, the Haloarcula Marismortui
> large ribosomal subunit). Has anyone on this list experienced similar issue?
> Thanks,
> -- Xiang-Jun
> PS. This is a slightly revised message initially sent to on
> Friday, May 22.
> Xiang-Jun Lu (PhD)
> Email:
> Web:
> Forum:

Dr Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen
phone: +49 (0)551 39 22149


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