I got several comments on/off board for this. I have checked by Western 
blotting if any expression was occurring. I did not see any expression in 
either the inclusion body or soluble fraction.

It appears that I have solved the problem;

Several papers suggest that the 10-30 bases after the start codon affect 
protein expression due to the secondary structure of the mRNA. Comparison of 
the 30 bases after the start codon of the entire protein family using the 
Vienna RNAfold server (http://rna.tbi.univie.ac.at/) shows a more negative free 
energy of the thermodynamic ensemble for the proteins which I can not express 
compared to the ones I can.

I have taken the DNA sequence of one that does not express and converted it to 
mRNA. I used the mRNA optimiser program 
(http://bioinformatics.ua.pt/software/mrna-optimiser/) to maximizing the 
molecule minimum free energy resulting in decreased secondary structure 
strength. This was converted back to DNA and the gene synthesized. I now see 
expression of the protein (still in the inclusion body). I don't know exactly 
why it now works as several parameters were changed during mRNA optimization 
(changes in codons, GC content and 2nd structure of mRNA). I thought I would 
share in case anyone else wanted to try. 
Thanks and enjoy your weekend!


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