Dear Tim,

That is described by the Laue interference function. The crystal diffracts in Bragg directions (reflections) at small deviations of the Bragg angle and in a small solid angle. They depend on lambda and lambda^2 respectively, and integration over these angles brings a factor lambda^3 in the diffracted intensity.

Best wishes,
On 01/26/17 17:15, Tim Gruene wrote:
Dear all,

according to Carmelo Giacovazzo's textbook (eq. 3.41 in the 1st edition), the
diffraction intensity I(hkl) scales with the wavelength cubed (lambda^3).

1) is there an easy rationale for this dependency?
2) does it hold over a wide range of energies?
3) does this also hold for neutrons or electrons as radiation source?

Thanks a lot for any helpful comment,



Dr. Loes Kroon-Batenburg
Dept. of Crystal and Structural Chemistry
Bijvoet Center for Biomolecular Research
Utrecht University
Padualaan 8, 3584 CH Utrecht
The Netherlands

E-mail :
phone  : +31-30-2532865
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