
I had the same problem once. Some chemistry programs are not really good at
exporting to pdb. Check the file format definition of pdb files, here:
Most interesting for you is probably pp. 174.
Also make sure, there is an "END" at the end.
It might help, if you send a link to the ligand file.


2017-03-30 19:41 GMT+02:00 Paul Emsley <pems...@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk>:

> On 30/03/17 14:59, chemocev marker wrote:
>> Hi
> Hi.
> I have model of ligand molecule and it does not open in coot. Its not a
>> crystal structure. I can view it in the pymol or chimera but not in the
>> coot. It gives error that it does not have any space group information. Is
>> there is a way to open it in coot.
> If there is not a CRYST1 card in your pdb file, then Coot will warn you
> that your molecule does not have symmetry.  It is merely a warning, not an
> error.
> If coot can't read the pdb file it's likely (it seems to me) that it's not
> actually a (specifications-compliant) pdb file.  Coot should give you an
> error about any line that it particularly doesn't like.
> Paul.

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