A postdoc position is available to study the mechanisms of regulation of
the DNA replication/repair proteins using cross-disciplinary approaches in
the Kelch Lab at UMass Medical School. Successful candidates will use
biochemistry, computational biology, genetics, and structural biology to
study the loading/unloading and function of the sliding clamp PCNA.
For more information on the Kelch Lab, please see our website:

Many resources are available for these studies, including a newly
established high resolution cryoEM facility with Titan Krios and Talos
Arctica EMs (both equipped with direct electron detectors) and a
state-of-the-art x-ray diffraction facility adjacent to the Kelch lab. See
http://www.umassmed.edu/research/cores/cryo-em-core-facility/ or
http://www.umassmed.edu/research/cores/crystallography/ for more details.
Numerous biochemical and biophysical instrumentation are available within
the lab or Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Pharmacology. For career
and professional development of the postdoc candidate, UMass Med has
recently established the Center for Biomedical Career Development, a
world-leader in innovative techniques for planning and enacting your career
goals. See http://www.umassmed.edu/gsbs/career/ for more details.

Solid background in basic molecular biology, biochemistry and a
demonstrated record of productivity is required. Candidates with strong
quantitative skills and structural biology backgrounds are highly desired.
Salary is based on NIH NRSA scale. Candidates are also encouraged to apply
for independent fellowship to aid in their career/professional development.

Send a CV and a cover letter (~1 page) outlining your research experience
and career goals.
Also, please names and contacts of three to four references to:

Reply via email to