Dear ccp4bb,

I am refining a 1.40 Angstrom data set for a DNA oligonucleotide. While the
model for the DNA fits very well into the density, there is a patch of
positive electron density in the solvent space that we are having trouble

The screenshot can be viewed through this link:

In the screenshot, the yellow color is the anomalous map and a barium ion
is fitted into density near the positive green electron density.

The oligonucleotide was purchased from IDT. The crystallization condition
is 15% MPD, 120 mM BaCl2, and 30 mM NaCaC pH 6.4. I have tried modelling
Ba2+ with coordinated waters, MPD, and sodium cacodylate into the electron
density, but none of those fit well.

Any suggestions regarding the identity of this electron density is much
appreciated. Thank you!


Betty Chu
Paukstelis Research Group
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
University of Maryland, College Park

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