We would like to remind you about our invitation to an

Instruct/CIISB course on fragment screening using crystallography
laboratory equipment

Dates: *April 5-6, 2018*
Venue: Centre of Molecular Structure, IBT CAS v.v.i., *BIOCEV, Vestec,
Prague-West*, Czech Republic

See the website

or the attached file for details.

*Apply before February 9 2018 to frederic.velli...@ibt.cas.cz

Jan Dohnalek
Institute of Biotechnology, Biocev
Centre of Molecular Structure

Jan Dohnalek, Ph.D
Institute of Biotechnology
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Prumyslova 595
252 50 Vestec near Prague
Czech Republic

Tel. +420 325 873 758

Attachment: Instruct_course_announcement.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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