I agree that accurate and complete image header information is useful, but
not universal. How about a routine similar to dials.discover_better_

On Wed, Jan 24, 2018 at 10:12 AM, Engin Özkan <eoz...@uchicago.edu> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I have to agree with all sentiments stated, and I have definitely seen the
> value of restraining distance values in weak and anisotropic data, which is
> great for those of us who deal with such data on a regular basis. However,
> I also just went through a search of all refined DISTANCE values on all
> (~20) CORRECT.LP files on my hard drive. Mismatches between input and
> refined values of up to 0.25% (1 mm in 400 mm) is not uncommon for data
> collected over several different beam lines. Many of us collect data at
> synchrotrons remotely and/or without ever talking to a beamline scientists,
> and expecting users to end up with perfect distance values in their
> auto-scripted XDS.INP files might be expecting the perfect in an imperfect,
> fast-moving data-collection world. A solution that accommodates both
> viewpoints, if at all possible, would indeed be great.
> Best,
> Engin
> On 1/24/18 8:06 AM, "Weiergräber, Oliver H." wrote:
>> Dear Clemens, dear Kay,
>> I absolutely agree with your statement regarding responsibilities.
>> Unfortunately, for a user of a synchrotron beamline, it is hardly possible
>> to _know_ that the distance (or any beam or camera parameter) provided by
>> the beamline software is in error. In the end indications can only be
>> derived from the behaviour of software used for processing. Of course
>> developers are not responsible for hardware issues, but since such issues
>> do occur in real life, the software may still help spotting them ;-)
>> Given that IDXREF runs very fast, why not have it probe the shifts of
>> parameters for a full refinement scope and issue a warning if things look
>> suspicious, giving the user options how to proceed (similar to the
>> not-so-infrequent case of "insufficient percentage of indexed reflections").
>> Best regards
>> Oliver
>> ================================================
>>    PD Dr. Oliver H. Weiergräber
>>    Institute of Complex Systems
>>    ICS-6: Structural Biochemistry
>>    Tel.: +49 2461 61-2028
>>    Fax: +49 2461 61-9540
>> ================================================
>> ________________________________________
>> From: CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] on behalf of Clemens
>> Vonrhein [vonrh...@globalphasing.com]
>> Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2018 2:39 PM
>> Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Issues with latest XDS (20171218)
>> Dear Oliver,
>> yes, there are other changes to the parameter refinement procedure
>> within XDS as far as I understand. These were introduced to robustify
>> XDS processing (and parameter refinement) when encountering very poor
>> datasets, cases where the crystal moves out of the beam in certain
>> orientations or empty loops. That works very well it seems - at least
>> for us (and we were involved in discussing those cases with both
>> Wolfgang Kabsch and Kay Diederichs).
>> I'm sure you agree that if the crystal to detector distance in the
>> header is wrong by such a large amount (over 1 mm), the (proper)
>> solution is to fix this at the point of collecting the data and
>> writing the header. As Kay says: there should be no reason for an
>> instrument/beamline to not know that distance very accurately and to
>> write the correct value in the header. It has the same importance as
>> e.g. wavelength/energy or oscillation range.
>> Of course, if a user already has images with an inaccurate value and
>> wants to process those, the old behaviour of XDS might be able to fix
>> that particular problem for you. But this does feel like patching up
>> simple-to-fix problems at the wrong stage, namely processing instead
>> of at the beamline side ... with the "danger" that they will never get
>> fixed properly because processing software will "somehow patch things
>> up anyway".
>> All those software packages do already a very large amount of
>> workarounds because of real life being what it is, but if we want to
>> achieve the highest quality of processed data I think we can expect
>> the same amount of accuracy when it comes to the description of the
>> experiment that goes into programs like XDS.
>> I think the current XDS behaviour is much more robust and reliable
>> _if_ the experiment is described accurately. The latter is the
>> responsibility of the beamline (image headers etc) and the user. It
>> should not be XDS's task to calibrate the instrument parameters
>> (against a single sweep dataset from whatever crystal it sees), but
>> rather index, integrate and scale/merge the data collected and
>> described.
>> Anyway, just my 2 cents ;-)
>> Cheers
>> Clemens
>> On Wed, Jan 24, 2018 at 09:36:19AM +0000, "Weiergräber, Oliver H." wrote:
>>> a) Recycling of geometry parameters is certainly worth trying, although
>>> in our experience it rarely yields large improvements. Obviously, XDS used
>>> to do a pretty good job in default mode. In the latest version, however,
>>> since refinement of the detector distance is disabled by default, recycling
>>> cannot be expected to (and indeed does not) help.
>>> b) The data I mentioned have been collected at ESRF ID29 and processed
>>> using the XDS.INP file they provided, with slight modifications unrelated
>>> to geometry refinement.
>>> c) Yes, defining REFINE(IDXREF) to include POSITION does not solve the
>>> problem. It seems that refinement of the distance is still strongly
>>> restrained, so there must have been changes to the code other than removal
>>> of POSITION refinement from the REFINE(IDXREF) defaults. Consequently,
>>> parameter recycling does not help much even with POSITION refinement
>>> re-enabled in IDXREF.
>>> The bottom line is that there appears to be no obvious way to restore
>>> the previous behaviour by just changing parameters (but of course I may
>>> have missed something). I think such an option is urgently required. The
>>> most worrisome aspect about this issue, in my opinion, is that it may go
>>> unnoticed in many cases. The way it stands now, people affected by
>>> inaccuracies in detector distance (or maybe other parameters) may be misled
>>> to choose cut-offs for integration at much too high dmin, discarding
>>> valuable data.
>>> I am happy to provide data needed for investigation. Let's discuss this
>>> part off-list.
>>> Best regards
>>> Oliver
>>> ================================================
>>>    PD Dr. Oliver H. Weiergräber
>>>    Institute of Complex Systems
>>>    ICS-6: Structural Biochemistry
>>>    Tel.: +49 2461 61-2028
>>>    Fax: +49 2461 61-9540
>>> ================================================
>>> ________________________________________
>>> From: CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] on behalf of Kay
>>> Diederichs [kay.diederi...@uni-konstanz.de]
>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2018 9:16 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Issues with latest XDS (20171218)
>>> Dear Oliver,
>>> sorry for the trouble!
>>> A default should be correct in the majority of situations, but it's
>>> impossible to have it work for _all_ situations. The XDS default for
>>> REFINE(IDXREF) was changed (i.e. POSITION was removed) to improve the
>>> indexing for weak and lousy data, _and_ because the distance values from
>>> the header are nowadays almost always accurate. For data with very high
>>> resolution such as yours, and significantly wrong distance, this means that
>>> at high resolution in particular this default will lead to worse data.
>>> generate_XDS.INP (in XDSwiki) and (I think) autoPROC and xia2 explicitly
>>> include POSITION in the REFINE(IDXREF), i.e. override the default. Where
>>> did you get XDS.INP from?
>>> Some comments:
>>> a) this is why I recommend, for data sets that may be important, to
>>> always do one cycle of optimization, i.e. after CORRECT, "mv GXPARM.XDS
>>> XPARM.XDS", change XDS.INP to have the correct high-resolution cutoff
>>> (cutting after the last shell which still has a "*" in the CC1/2 column),
>>> adjust the FRIEDEL'S_LAW= setting, and run JOB=INTEGRATE CORRECT. In your
>>> case this would make the refined distance available to INTEGRATE, and
>>> should result in very good data.
>>> b) at which beamline did you collect the data? Such a high difference
>>> between refined distance and distance from header is unusual, and should be
>>> reported to (and fixed by) the beamline staff.
>>> c) for this beamline at least, one should use REFINE(IDXREF)=CELL BEAM
>>> ORIENTATION AXIS POSITION . I understand that you tried this and it didn't
>>> work? Maybe there is something else wrong then, e.g. another line later in
>>> XDS.INP resetting REFINE(IDXREF) to something else.
>>> If you cannot find the reason why including POSITiON into REFINE(IDXREF)
>>> does not help, pls send me enough data to reproduce the problem.
>>> best wishes,
>>> Kay
>>> On Tue, 23 Jan 2018 14:31:09 +0000, "Weiergräber, Oliver H." <
>>> o.h.weiergrae...@fz-juelich.de> wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>>> After upgrading XDS from build date 20170601 to 20171218, I am
>>>> experiencing severe degradation of apparent data quality reported by
>>>> CORRECT for certain data sets. Following first indications of issues with a
>>>> slightly problematic candidate, I went back to a previously very
>>>> well-behaved test case with diffraction extending beyond 1.1 A. Using the
>>>> same input with both program versions, statistics are not too different out
>>>> to approx. 1.6 A, but become more and more divergent in outer shells. These
>>>> are the values for the highest-resolution shell (1.10--1.16 A):
>>>> 20170601:  I/sigI = 1.80; Rmeas = 59.9 %; CC(1/2) = 82.0 %
>>>> 20171218:  I/sigI = 0.14; Rmeas = 506.4 %; CC(1/2) = 5.8 %
>>>> The refined cell constants are unreasonably different as well.
>>>> Obviously, something is going awfully wrong here, presumably related to
>>>> errors in geometry parameters (which are expected to become increasingly
>>>> detrimental with decreasing dmin). As it turns out, geometry refinement
>>>> behaves differently in the latest version of XDS: most notably, IDXREF no
>>>> longer refines the detector distance by default. This is significant in
>>>> this case, as in version 20170601 the distance would shift by as much as
>>>> 1.3 mm, resulting in successful integration and scaling. Unfortunately,
>>>> re-adding POSITION refinement into REFINE(IDXREF) does not help, and even
>>>> having it in all refinement scopes (IDXREF, INTEGRATE, CORRECT) only yields
>>>> a limited improvement of CORRECT statistics.
>>>> It is worth noting that examination of a dataset from an unrelated
>>>> crystal (dmin = 1.4 A) did not reveal such enormous differences -- in this
>>>> case, however, the shift in detector distance applied in the old version of
>>>> XDS was quite small (0.2 mm), which, together with the lower resolution,
>>>> explains the absence of large discrepancies.
>>>> To sum up, I suspect that, due to recent changes to the XDS code, the
>>>> refinement of geometry parameters is now overly restrained, resulting in
>>>> drastic problems in cases where the detector distance is not as precise as
>>>> desirable (and even more so at very high resolution). For such datasets,
>>>> the new version appears to be essentially unusable (at least within the
>>>> parameter space I have tested), and even in modest cases may often be
>>>> inferior to the previous one. Is there an option to revert to the former
>>>> behaviour?
>>>> Best regards
>>>> Oliver
>>>> ================================================
>>>>   PD Dr. Oliver H. Weiergr�ber
>>>>   Institute of Complex Systems
>>>>   ICS-6: Structural Biochemistry
>>>>   Tel.: +49 2461 61-2028
>>>>   Fax: +49 2461 61-9540
>>>> ================================================
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> ------------------------------------
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> ------------------------------------
>>>> Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH
>>>> 52425 Juelich
>>>> Sitz der Gesellschaft: Juelich
>>>> Eingetragen im Handelsregister des Amtsgerichts Dueren Nr. HR B 3498
>>>> Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: MinDir Dr. Karl Eugen Huthmacher
>>>> Geschaeftsfuehrung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Marquardt (Vorsitzender),
>>>> Karsten Beneke (stellv. Vorsitzender), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Bolt,
>>>> Prof. Dr. Sebastian M. Schmidt
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> ------------------------------------
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> ------------------------------------
>>> --
>> *--------------------------------------------------------------
>> * Clemens Vonrhein, Ph.D.     vonrhein AT GlobalPhasing DOT com
>> * Global Phasing Ltd., Sheraton House, Castle Park
>> * Cambridge CB3 0AX, UK                   www.globalphasing.com
>> *--------------------------------------------------------------
>> --
>> *--------------------------------------------------------------
>> * Clemens Vonrhein, Ph.D.     vonrhein AT GlobalPhasing DOT com
>> * Global Phasing Ltd., Sheraton House, Castle Park
>> * Cambridge CB3 0AX, UK                   www.globalphasing.com
>> *--------------------------------------------------------------

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