Thank you Kay!

Speaking as a beamline scientist I agree that the instrument should be set up right and things like the distance, beam center, and various angles should be known.

However, also speaking as a beamline scientist I feel I should point out that EVERY instrument goes through at least one period where this is NOT the case!  Those of us who are responsible for putting all those properly-calibrated numbers into the image headers before your beam time starts really do appreciate the "feature" of broad radius of convergence on camera parameters.  But if you can get better data by turning it off once the parameters are known, that is really interesting too!

-James Holton
MAD Scientist

On 1/31/2018 1:07 AM, Kay Diederichs wrote:
Dear all,

a new BUILT of XDS is available for academic users at . This reverts to the old distance 
refinement behavior with its larger radius of convergence, and is relevant for 
processing data from beamlines where the header distance is not accurate.

Thanks again to Oliver and Keitaro!


On Fri, 26 Jan 2018 16:56:30 +0900, Keitaro Yamashita 
<> wrote:

Dear Kay,

I also tested this using a publicly available data of thaumatin
(resolution ~1.4 Å, wavelength= 0.97625 Å).
The camera distance from header is 265.27 mm. I tested this original
distance and some shifts (+1, +2, +4, ..., +32 mm) with different
versions of XDS.

As a result, IDXREF of the old version (170615) successfully refined
camera distance to ~265.0 mm if shift was less than or equal to +16
mm. The statistics in CORRECT.LP was as good as that without shift.

If the camera distance was fixed in IDXREF, statistics was
compromised, but the refinement in CORRECT worked well and recycling
of GXPARM.XDS improved the data quality.

However, the new version (170720 or later) changed camera distance
very little. Even with +1 mm shift the statistics was deteriorated,
and CORRECT (GXPARM.XDS) also didn't change the distance a lot, which
means the recycling of optimized parameters do not help. The new
version seems to stick to the given camera distance too much as
pointed out by many people.

I agree that camera distance in the header should be accurate.
However, I also wish to revert to the former behavior of XDS that
expires very soon.

Actually in previous versions (170615 or former) fixing POSITION in
REFINE(IDXREF) was recommended, but the recycling could give an
accurate distance. The current version seems to virtually have no
option to refine the distance.

Best regards,

On 24 January 2018 at 05:16, Kay Diederichs
<> wrote:
Dear Oliver,

sorry for the trouble!
A default should be correct in the majority of situations, but it's impossible 
to have it work for _all_ situations. The XDS default for REFINE(IDXREF) was 
changed (i.e. POSITION was removed) to improve the indexing for weak and lousy 
data, _and_ because the distance values from the header are nowadays almost 
always accurate. For data with very high resolution such as yours, and 
significantly wrong distance, this means that at high resolution in particular 
this default will lead to worse data. generate_XDS.INP (in XDSwiki) and (I 
think) autoPROC and xia2 explicitly include POSITION in the REFINE(IDXREF), 
i.e. override the default. Where did you get XDS.INP from?
Some comments:
a) this is why I recommend, for data sets that may be important, to always do one cycle of 
optimization, i.e. after CORRECT, "mv GXPARM.XDS XPARM.XDS", change XDS.INP to have the 
correct high-resolution cutoff (cutting after the last shell which still has a "*" in the 
CC1/2 column), adjust the FRIEDEL'S_LAW= setting, and run JOB=INTEGRATE CORRECT. In your case this 
would make the refined distance available to INTEGRATE, and should result in very good data.
b) at which beamline did you collect the data? Such a high difference between 
refined distance and distance from header is unusual, and should be reported to 
(and fixed by) the beamline staff.
c) for this beamline at least, one should use REFINE(IDXREF)=CELL BEAM 
ORIENTATION AXIS POSITION . I understand that you tried this and it didn't 
work? Maybe there is something else wrong then, e.g. another line later in 
XDS.INP resetting REFINE(IDXREF) to something else.

If you cannot find the reason why including POSITiON into REFINE(IDXREF) does 
not help, pls send me enough data to reproduce the problem.

best wishes,


On Tue, 23 Jan 2018 14:31:09 +0000, "Weiergräber, Oliver H." 
<> wrote:

Dear all,

After upgrading XDS from build date 20170601 to 20171218, I am experiencing 
severe degradation of apparent data quality reported by CORRECT for certain 
data sets. Following first indications of issues with a slightly problematic 
candidate, I went back to a previously very well-behaved test case with 
diffraction extending beyond 1.1 A. Using the same input with both program 
versions, statistics are not too different out to approx. 1.6 A, but become 
more and more divergent in outer shells. These are the values for the 
highest-resolution shell (1.10--1.16 A):

20170601:  I/sigI = 1.80; Rmeas = 59.9 %; CC(1/2) = 82.0 %
20171218:  I/sigI = 0.14; Rmeas = 506.4 %; CC(1/2) = 5.8 %

The refined cell constants are unreasonably different as well. Obviously, 
something is going awfully wrong here, presumably related to errors in geometry 
parameters (which are expected to become increasingly detrimental with 
decreasing dmin). As it turns out, geometry refinement behaves differently in 
the latest version of XDS: most notably, IDXREF no longer refines the detector 
distance by default. This is significant in this case, as in version 20170601 
the distance would shift by as much as 1.3 mm, resulting in successful 
integration and scaling. Unfortunately, re-adding POSITION refinement into 
REFINE(IDXREF) does not help, and even having it in all refinement scopes 
(IDXREF, INTEGRATE, CORRECT) only yields a limited improvement of CORRECT 
It is worth noting that examination of a dataset from an unrelated crystal 
(dmin = 1.4 A) did not reveal such enormous differences -- in this case, 
however, the shift in detector distance applied in the old version of XDS was 
quite small (0.2 mm), which, together with the lower resolution, explains the 
absence of large discrepancies.

To sum up, I suspect that, due to recent changes to the XDS code, the 
refinement of geometry parameters is now overly restrained, resulting in 
drastic problems in cases where the detector distance is not as precise as 
desirable (and even more so at very high resolution). For such datasets, the 
new version appears to be essentially unusable (at least within the parameter 
space I have tested), and even in modest cases may often be inferior to the 
previous one. Is there an option to revert to the former behaviour?

Best regards

  PD Dr. Oliver H. Weiergr�ber
  Institute of Complex Systems
  ICS-6: Structural Biochemistry
  Tel.: +49 2461 61-2028
  Fax: +49 2461 61-9540

Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH
52425 Juelich
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Juelich
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Geschaeftsfuehrung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Marquardt (Vorsitzender),
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