Dear Daniel,

I appreciate you for your really worthwhile comments that would be useful
for other scientists in this field.



On Thu, Apr 26, 2018, 17:13 Daniel M. Himmel, Ph. D. <> wrote:

> I skimmed your paper, and overall it looks like a good overview
> of high-throughput protein crystallization.  However, I was surprised
> that no mention was made of Formulatrix Rock Maker software,
> which is an excellent computer-aided graphical tool for designing
> crystallization screens rapidly.  This software works either as a
> standalone
> or in conjunction with the Formulatrix Formulator (which the paper DOES
> mention),
> for preparing crystallization solutions, and/or an integrated system for
> storing crystal drops and automatically photographing them under a
> microscope.
> A great deal of experience and knowhow on high-throughput
> protein crystallization was accumulated by
> such researchers as Wladek Minor, Steve Almo, Jeff Bonanno,
> and others, with whom I had the privilege of working during the
> waning years of the "Protein Structure Initiative" and "Enzyme
> Function Initiative".  The controversy of these projects stemmed
> from the high expense of the robotic equipment that made them
> possible, but the methodologies developed and lessons learned
> may be useful for high-throughput protein crystallization both
> in academia and industry.  Hopefully the cost of the robotic equipment
> will come down.
> -Daniel
> On Thu, Apr 26, 2018 at 11:43 AM, Yibin Lin <> wrote:
>> Dear CCP4BB Community,
>> I would like to comment you guy a review of the last five years of
>> high-throughput protein crystallization screening  that would be a
>> magnificent help for all scientists that struggle with macromolecular
>> crystallization.
>> Please see attachment, as well as below:
>> Thanks.
>> Kind regards,
>> Frank Lin

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