Hi Amala,

1. Did you verify the sequence or the presence of the His-tag? If you were
not the person for cloning. I used to spend 14 months working on an clone
and eventually I was allowed to check the sequence and verify the
expression of His-tag by Western-Blot. There was no his-tag.
2. You can try ionic-exchange columns instead of Ni-Column.  In this case,
chaining the cationic column and anionic column in a linear way. You target
should either stay in 1) cation or 2) anionic or 3) flow through. You can
verify the presence by SDS page.
3. What's the temperature you used for purification? I.e. if the pH 7.5 of
tris was under RT, then it should be 8.3 in cold room.
4. Increasing the concentration of Na+ will increase protein solubility and
decrease non-specific binding ( possible langmuir adsoprtion). Normally,
people use 200-300 mM NaCl. If the Tris-tri sodium is used, the
concentration may need to controlled < 50mM. For instance, if 50mM Tris-tri
Na was used, then 150mM NaCl could be introduced in the buffer system
5. 10mM Imidazole is used for removing non-specific adsorption in this
6. In some cases, everything looks normal, but the protein just does like
to bind to the Ni(Co)- column. In this case, using ionic-columns will be an
alternative method before you try another vector or expression system.

The advantage of ionic-columns is you can buy the beads (+ and -) from
sigma with much less cost. You even don't need to use an AKTA system.

I hope this will be helpful and see your publication soon.


On Mon, Aug 13, 2018 at 6:50 AM amala mathimaran <amalat...@gmail.com>

> Dear All
> I am working with HIS – tag protein in N-terminal (hexa histidine). The
> protein from Prokaryotic origin cloned into pET30a+ vector and expressed in 
> *E.coli
> *BL21 cells. The expression was good. I am trying to purify a protein
> using Ni-affinity column equilibrate with Buffer A 50mM Tris pH7.5, 50mM
> NaCl, 15mM imidazole, 3mM BME, 5%glycerol and eluted with Buffer B ( same
> as buffer A but 250mM imidazole). I eluted the protein in step wise
> gradiant. the protein was less binded in Ni affinity IMAC column because
> eluted fraction contain less amount and the protein remain present in the
> Flow through. Can any one suggest how to increase the binding affinity of
> the protein and how to purify the protein. The protein PI was 6.33
> ------------------------------
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Kevin Jin

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