Hi Matthew,

I have some notes which indicate that SBgrid data sets 5, 62, 78, 117, 218 
posed problems for "automatic" processing using generate_XDS.INP / XDS when I 
saw them for the first time. 
Some of these problems (mainly the conversion of header values to ORGX ORGY) 
are taken care of in current generate_XDS.INP; others remain (defaults for 
some data sets) or cannot be fixed (radiation damage or detector defects? in 
data set 68). 
This reflects of course the general progress  - what was difficult some time 
ago may be almost trivial now.

My advice would be to go all the way from data processing to refinement. 
Otherwise you end up with a heap of numbers that might tell you something about 
the precision of the data, but nothing about their accuracy. 
And if you do that, keep in mind that the RCSB-deposited PDBs may not be 
optimal interpretations of the data. Also consider the re-refined PDBs from the 
PDB_REDO website.




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