Dear all,
Not directly a ccp4 question.
I am working on a multi-domain protein with multiple catalytic
centres. Purifying in gel-filtration (Äkta) with different buffers
gives a clear distinct peak indicating pure protein. We could even
crystallise it and determine 3D structure to about 2.5 A.

Why is there a strong assumption in the community (or at least in my
limited experience) that a clear single peak of appropriate Mw is
indication of *active and folded* protein that upon
crystallisation/structure determination can describe the working of
the enzyme?

When I tested the activity of the protein using assays, I found 3 out
of 4 buffers give very poor product turnover?  Could we discount the
possibility that some 3D-structures in PDB are inactive (differently
folded) and hence may not represent active state? Are there any best
practices? Or is this dependent on the protein, especially
multi-domain proteins show such weird behaviour?

Thanks for your comments,


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