The CCP4 program you are looking for is "cad".  Using the "SCALE" keyword you 
can apply an overall positive or negative B factor to any mtz data set.  
Negative B factors are sharpening, which is what you are trying to do.

There is also another program called "ecalc", which is specifically designed 
for computing normalized structure factors like "U", which is closely related 
to "E".

As for which B factor to apply?  Ostensibly the Wilson B factor and the average 
atomic B factor should be the same number.  The Wilson B, however, is prone to 
systematic errors arising from how you decide which resolution range to fit.  
There are also details about the distribution of B factors in the model and the 
relative abundance of different atomic numbers.  However, I've always found 
these considerations dwarfed by the errors in estimating the Wilson B.  
Depending on what you are trying to accomplish, you might want to raise your B 
factor a bit anyway to reduce the overall noise.

As for F000, another article describing its estimation is here:

Script from that publication for calculating F000 is here:

This script requires the CCP4 Suite and the Phenix Suite version 1.6 or lower.  
This was the last version of phenix.refine that reported k_sol and B_sol for 
the bulk solvent.  Without these, you cannot calculate the number of electrons 
in the bulk solvent.

Alternately, if you have run refmac you can look through the log for the 
string: "Partial structure    1: scale = "
The "scale =" and "B  =" numbers that follow are the k_sol and B_sol for the 
bulk solvent.  You can then provide these numbers on the command line of the script above.  Then again, if you have already run refmac it 
might be simpler to provide the MSKOUT command-line parameter to refmac.  This 
will output the bulk solvent as a CCP4 map file.  Once you have that, all you 
need to do is run "mapdump" to report the average value of the electron density 
in this map.  You multiply this by the k_sol value from the log and then 
multiply by the unit cell volume and you now have the number of electrons in 
the bulk solvent.  Add up all the atomic numbers in your PDB file (including 
hydrogen) and you have the rest of the electrons in your unit cell.  The sum of 
all electrons in one unit cell is F000.


-James Holton
MAD Scientist

On 5/15/2019 5:52 AM, Andre LB Ambrosio wrote:
Dear Pavel, thank you so very much for the prompt feedback.
That would be extremely useful if you could script the Uhkl calculation in 
With best regards,

Em qua, 15 de mai de 2019 às 09:47, Pavel Afonine 
<<>> escreveu:
Hi Andre,

- Is there any macromolecular crystallography software that can compute Uhkl as 
above, or equivalent?

I estimate this can take about 10 minutes to script in CCTBX. I can write a 
script for you, if interested, and send off list.

- If not, would it be more correct to use the Wilson-B or the mean B from the 
final model?

I'd guess mean B from the model is a better estimate.

- How can F(000) be best estimated from the final model, which is not 
necessarily always the most complete or best refined? Should we simply add 
together the number of electrons for all the atoms refined in the asymmetric 
unit (protein + ligands + solvent)?

See my previous email.


Andre LB Ambrosio


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