Hi all,
I am trying to merge and convert reflections from XDS_ASCII.HKL to mtz via
pointless and aimless. Everything looks good through pointless, as far as I
xds reports significant anomalous correlation in CORRECT.LP

Inspection of the mtz output from pointless shows that (+) and (-)
reflections are recorded using separate ISYM flags (column 4):


    0   0   7    1   902      1.68      1.43      0.91   1230.80
                           1155.20    423.20      0.04      0.00

    0   0   7    2     2      1.21      1.68      0.90   1231.40
                           1155.10    243.20      0.04      0.00

    0   0   8    1   902     88.18      3.70      1.00   1230.70
                           1139.50    423.36      0.04      0.00

    0   0   8    2     2     85.93      3.86      0.99   1231.50
                           1139.30    243.36      0.04      0.00

But when I run aimless as:

$ aimless hklin ds5_5_E1_pointless.mtz hklout ds5_5_E1_aimless.mtz
<<eof|tee aimless.log
anom on
reso 2.5

the output mtz file has identical values for IMEAN, I(+), and I(-), despite
reporting in the logfile that:
Anomalous flag switched ON in input, strong anomalous signal found
Estimate of the resolution limit for a significant anomalous signal  3.93A,
from the point where the fit drops below threshold 0.15

Can anybody provide me with some guidance?

Best wishes

Kevin Jude, PhD
Structural Biology Research Specialist, Garcia Lab
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Stanford University School of Medicine
Beckman B177, 279 Campus Drive, Stanford CA 94305
Phone: (650) 723-6431


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