Dear Zhen Gong,

Installation of XDS and associated programs is documented in the "Installation" 
article in XDSwiki.
If I google "XDSwiki installation article", it is the first hit.

Your PATH is probably different when you double-click XDSGUI to start it, 
compared to what it is on the command line.
So don 't double-click it! Start XDSGUI from the command line - this way you 
also see error messages from generate_XDS.INP, and output of POINTLESS and Coot.
Use the latest versions of the programs.

Concerning HDF5 processing, read the Installation article. 
As Graeme said, you need a library, and you need to tell XDS where it is, with 
a LIB= line in XDS.INP . 
There are different library versions for Intel Mac and Silicon Mac. 
if you have a Silicon Mac, I recommend to use the specific Silicon Mac versions 
of XDS, XDSGUI and the library.

Hope this helps,

On Sat, 3 Jun 2023 18:24:24 +0100, Zhen Gong <> wrote:

>Dear all,
>I have encountered this problem in xdsgui: you have to install 
>generate_XDS.INP in your path. Generate_XDS.INP works fine in command line but 
>not in the GUI. I saw the same question was raised up by another user 
>previously on CCP4bb but I was not able to see Key's reply any more. 
>Thank you very much for your help!
>Best regards,
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