Dear Structural Biologists,
apologies if I share this communication to the whole community, although the 
services we provide are strictly meant for Italian scientists.
However, I hope it might be of general interest for the community being aware 
of such an initiative.
It is with great pleasure that we finally announce the official opening of the 
National Facilities at Human Technopole. The access of external Users 
affiliated to Universities, Istituti di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico 
(IRCCS), and Public Research Entities will be supported by open calls for 
access. Access is granted based on the principles of scientific excellence, 
with the aim of supporting high-quality research. The quality of the submitted 
requests is evaluated and approved by an independent panel of experts, the 
Standing Independent Evaluation Committee, that also defines the Access 
Management Plan. Access will come at no costs for the selected projects.
The National Facitlity for Structural Biology consists of six Infrastructural 
Units (IU):
IU1 – Cryo-Electron Microscopy: This Unit aims at identifying, visualizing, and 
characterizing biological players of interest, both isolated and within their 
cellular compartments.
IU2 – Biomass Production: This Unit provides access to different cell lines for 
protein expression and performs scale-up of bioprocesses for large-scale 
IU3 – Biophysics: This Unit is a technological platform for biophysical 
characterization of macromolecules and their interactions
IU4 – Structural Proteomics: This Unit relies on crosslinking mass spectrometry 
(XL-MS) to provide topological and structural restraints on protein-protein 
interactions in samples ranging from purified protein complexes to cellular 
IU5 – Dynamic Single-molecule: This Unit provides tool to visualise biological 
processes in real-time with single-molecule sensitivity thanks to cutting-edge 
instruments that combine optical tweezers with fluorescence and label-free 
detection modules.
IU6 – Technology Development: This Unit, planned to be operational in 
2026-2028, will be where all other units converge when it comes to pushing 
technological limitations in the field of integrative structural biology.
National Facility Main Webpage:
National Facility for Structural Biology (Service List + Technical Info):
For general enquiries about the call: 
For technical enquiries about the services: 

Sebastiano Pasqualato
Senior Manager Biophysics
National Facility for Structural Biology
Human Technopole
Palazzo Italia
Viale Rita Levi‑Montalcini, 1
20157 Milan, Italy
E. <> <>


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