If you wanted portability then Fortran or Cobol were pretty much all you
had. Whilst there may have been C compilers you probably didn't have one,
certainly in the world of commerce. Which is why our X.25 code was in
On Sep 22, 2015 1:41 AM, "Toby Thain" <t...@telegraphics.com.au> wrote:

> On 2015-09-21 5:58 PM, Paul Koning wrote:
>> On Sep 21, 2015, at 5:33 PM, Chuck Guzis <ccl...@sydex.com> wrote:
>>> On 09/21/2015 01:37 PM, Dave G4UGM wrote:
>>> I wrote X.25 software in Fortran:-(. We had some machine specific
>>>> routines to allow the Fortran code to wait for a packet to arrive.
>>>> There was also a huge vector of strings with matching integer arrays
>>>> that allowed them to be chained together, and to have types allocated
>>>> to them There were also a large number of "INCLUDE" files with a
>>>> parameters which defined the structure of data stored in the
>>>> character vectors....
>>> PASCAL was first implemented in FORTRAN.
>> Really? I find it hard to imagine that Wirth would use Fortran for a
> compiler. Never mind his background in structured languages -- writing a
> compiler in Fortran is just much harder. Not as hard as writing one in
> COBOL, but still...
> Almost bearable in Ratfor/WATFOR/WATFIV though. Ref: "Elements of
> Programming Style."
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ratfor
> --Toby
>         paul

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