On 5/19/23 04:36, Liam Proven via cctalk wrote:
> On Thu, 18 May 2023 at 20:10, Fred Cisin via cctalk
> <cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:
>> a 386 desktop running Win98SE (first version to support USB)
> Hang on a minute.
> [1] Win98 on a 386? Really? It might work but it will be horribly horribly 
> slow.
> Win95 was just barely usable on a 386; I benchmarked it at release.

I'm not so sure about a 386 and Win98.  Seems to me I tried to install
98SE on a 20MHz 386 years ago and it didn't work.  Said 386 has a
whopping 13MB of RAM, all located on a plug in card.  The AT-sized
motherboard is nothing but SSI/MSI TTL with no custom chipsets, so no
room for RAM.

ISTR that there was a Microsoft add-on for 95OSR2, but it wasn't great.
My old Toshiba Infinia came with OSR2 and a USB "In Touch" module (I
still have about 30 of the things, but that's another story) and it was
far from standard protocol.  In point of fact, if you plug the module in
to a later system with USB, it's not seen at all.

Somewhere around here, I still have the USB-to-USB file transfer gizmo;
it was very early and, of course, one can't find drivers for it.

> However it 100% definitely was _not_ the 1st ver with USB 1 support.
> That was Win95 OSR2, a.k.a. Win95B, in about 1996.


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