On Wed, 28 Nov 2007, Håkan Kvist wrote:


Today thought I would download and build centerim5, just in order to
have a look at it, and maybe to find an easy todo or two to have a
look at.

The problem was that couldn't arse myself to find out how to properly
install/prepare libpurple so that it is found by ceterim5's configure

If someone could provide "an idiot's guide how to build centerim5"
(preferably on the wiki), that would be quite nice. I have no intrest
in compiling/installing the whole pidgin-thingie...

An idiots guide is not what I'm going to give you, but the following steps might help you:

1) download pidgin sources
2) ./configure them
3) go into the libpurple directory and
4) make it
5) make install it

After this libpurple should be found automatically. If it isn't, find the file `purple.pc' and set the environment var PKG_INCLUDE_PATH (or something like that, the error you get when ./configuring should tell you what it actually is) to the full path of the file.

Also, if this works for you, you are invited to put this on the wiki :)

best regards

Centerim-devel mailing list


Mark Pustjens

He glanced cautiously at the dancing shapes, which made weird and worrying
shapes on the far wall - strange biped animals, eldritch underground things...
Carrot sighed.
'Stop making shadow pictures, Detritus.'
      (Men at Arms)
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