On 05/29/2008 06:13 AM, Scott Robbins wrote:
Just a quick note for anyone who hadn't looked at the article but will
later do so.
Re Daniel's point, that it does encourage the somewhat dangerous custom
kernel, I've edited it slightly.  At this point, I suspect that it won't
be approved, because of the kernel issue, so I've also, in the editing,
used a bit of first person.
If people did wind up thinking it should be included anyway, I can very
easily change that.
Once again, thank you for your time and consideration.  As it's
sometimes difficult to correctly interpret the tone of an email, let me
emphasize that I am not at all bothered by Daniel's reluctance--he made
a very important point about the kernel, one which I hadn't sufficiently
emphasized in the original page.  My feeling is that even if it does
only stay on my own website, the point about the kernel should be made, hence the editing.
vserver is quite popular, especially among debian admins and even among hosting companies, so I am very much in favor of publishing this article.

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