On 22/11/13 17:11, aurfalien wrote:
> Sorry guys, I've tried and tried, no dice.
> Seems like I am missing missing a vent1, vnet2, etc... to br0 association.
> I can see were the vnet# gets created upon VM startup.
> And based on how my VM xml file is set, will go to either br0, br1. br2, 
> etc...
> But in my case, the only interface that works is vnet0 for all my VMs.
> In the CentOS virtual machine manager for whatever NIC you choose, there is a 
> drop down option for virtual network interface.
> For source device, I only ever see a vnet0 to br0.  For my other bridges, 
> there is only eth# to vnet#.
> The configs for this are rather simple and I don't know were else to look;
> various /etc/sysconfig/network* files
> and the VM xml config.
> Everythings is set to the same MTU wether standard or jumbo, but no matter 
> what, my VMs network interfaces work when set to vnet0 as its connected to 
> br0.
> I cannot get br6 to show with vnet2 for example.  Not even my vnet1 is 
> connected to br1 but rather br0.
> However in the UI as mentioned before, i do not see a vnet1 to br1 
> relationship.
> Are there any other config files I can look at?
> - aurf 

Why do you have so many bridges? In almost all cases, only one bridge is
needed. The bridge should connect to a real interface to get to the
outside world. Then all VMs should point to that bridge.

I think you might be over-complicating things.

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