Thanks for your reply

On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 9:22 PM, J Potter <>wrote:

> Look at pound:
> If you are concerned about traffic volume, you might consider running
> squid as a transparent proxy in front of pound. I.e.:
> request -> squid -> pound -> apache
> Where squid will return the response for everything marked as
> cacheable and still fresh; and pound will take care of load balancing
> to apache. (Pound can inspect/insert cookies to send visitors to the
> same back-end node on subsequent requests.) On some of our setups,
> squid responds to 98% of the requests coming in, and is able to
> respond to an extremely insane high volume of requests. Other list
> users might be able to provide good stats as to what sort of volume
> they can support. (I'd be curious to hear what others have seen...)
> For HA:
>        - 2 instances of squid, active/standby or active/active (i.e. two IP
> address in DNS for the public hostname, and have each squid instance
> pick up the others during failure).
>        - 2 instances of pound, active/standby
>        - N instances of apache
> Re: replication of content on your apache nodes, another poster
> suggested drbd. From my understanding, I do not think this is
> possible, since only one node can mount the drbd volume at a time. If
> you have shared data that needs to be seen across apache nodes, either
> stick it in SQL or mount an NFS volume across the nodes. (But then you
> have NFS in the picture, which might not be so good.)
> If your apache code is constant, then have a master apache node and
> write a shell script that runs rsync to push code changes out to the
> other instances.
> It's hard to get very specific about what's best for your setup
> without know the specifics of things like the data sync needs on the
> apache nodes, so take all of this with a grain of salt -- or as a
> default starting place.
> best,
> Jeff
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