Thomas Dukes wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Ned Slider
>> Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 10:34 PM
>> To: CentOS mailing list
>> Subject: Re: [CentOS] Upgrade
>> Thomas Dukes wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Just did yum update.  There were numerous packages to be 
>> updated.  I 
>>> get this is the newest release of Centos.
>>> The update bombed stating I need nss-  I did 
>> a rpm -q 
>>> nss and
>>> nss- is install in Cento 5.2.
>>> What's up with that?
>>> TIA
>> You didn't wait for the official release announcement ;)
> Good one!!  :-)
> Wasn't trying to upgrade to the newest release.  I run a 'yum update' daily.
> I only have Centos repos installed so I don't know how I have a version of
> nss newer in 5.2 than 5.3.

Try the following:

rpm -q --queryformat \
'%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}.%{ARCH} Vendor: %{vendor}\n' nss

I get the following:

nss- Vendor: CentOS
nss- Vendor: CentOS

That looks like what you have. So the question then is what requires the 
2.el5 release?

That's strange because the version is the same, it is nitpicking over 
the release. Unless there is an epoch involved, it seems some package 
somewhere might have a release specific requirement, which is suppose to 
be a nono.

Try yum --exclude=nss update

and see if it tells you what package is bombing out on the upgrade.
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