Thank you Loïc and Sage for the encouragement!

Yes, we'll look into CMake if it simplifies managing the build.
However, a "stretch goal" is to possibly have the same autotools build
scripts generate .exe and .dll files from the same source files (it at
all feasible or desirable). So, that's at least one reason to go with
Makefiles for now.

So, yes, for now we'll just go with #ifdef's all around until a
reasonable pattern of abstraction emerges, then platform-specific code
can be factored out into neater compartments (methods, classes,


On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 11:27 PM, Sage Weil <> wrote:
> Hi Alistair,
> On Thu, 19 Mar 2015, Alistair Israel wrote:
>> Hi, ceph.
>> We are pleased to announce our first milestone in bringing Ceph to the
>> Windows platform, by porting librados into rados.dll.
> This is exciting!
>> Many thanks to and the ceph-dokan project for
>> providing the springboard and early consultation with which we were
>> able to embark upon this course (we've also forked ceph-dokan and are
>> looking to be active contributors to that project).
>> ### Overview
>>   * rados_dll is built using mingw, like ceph-dokan
>>   * Currently, it builds rados.dll, used by rados_client.exe
>>   * rados.dll provides the librados C API (linking C++ using .DLLs is
>> problematic)
>>   * rados_client.exe follows example code here
>> ( to drive
>> rados.dll, connect to a Ceph cluster and perform I/O
>>   * LGLP v2.1
>> ### Details
>> Currently, rados_dll is built, similar to ceph-dokan, from source
>> files copied over from ceph/src and with _WIN32 specific
>> modifications. It is built using gcc, and uses winsock.
>> ### Next steps
>> We've had to disable cephx authentication for now, obviously we need
>> to get this ported and working properly.
>> Currently, the build environment has to be carefully prepared by hand.
>> We're looking to add scripts to help ease and automate that process.
>> We're looking to streamline merging of changes from 'upstream' ceph.
>> First, we intend to remove unmodified source files from the src/
>> directory and use upstream ceph/src directly.
>> Next, we're looking to use tools (e.g. diff/patch, sed) to the apply
>> _WIN32 specific modifications in an automated manner whenever possible
>> to generate _WIN32 sources.
>> We hope to gain enough traction and credibility to contribute _WIN32
>> specific sections (with appropriate guards) to ceph core code.
>> Eventually, hopefully, we might be able to build rados.dll (along with
>> other Ceph components that can be ported to Windows) directly from a
>> single set of source files.
> I'm glad to see this.  As I said to Ketor about ceph-dokan, the goal
> should definitely be get the portability changes upstream.  There are a
> few other porting effots underway (Solaris, AIX; aarch64, MIPS) and
> ultimately we want to make sure we're building portability wrappers around
> the appropriate pieces to avoid a tangle of #ifdef's or hard to maintain
> forks.  As you isolate these changes, let us know so we can start
> testing and merging them.
>> Finally, our Makefile is hand-written (as with ceph-dokan), and we
>> welcome any help to be able to standardise on using the autotools
>> toolchain to automate that as well (or integrate with upstream).
> Would CMake make your life easie?
> sage
>> ### Roadmap
>> We're looking at tackling RBD soon, and provide a native, Windows
>> system-level block device backed by Ceph. ;)
>> We welcome any and all comments, suggestions, and support.
>> ### Who we are
>> Acaleph is a small startup headquartered in Singapore, but operating mostly 
>> from
>> the Philippines, and we provide Ceph deployment, integration, support
>> and other services.
>> Julio Telan is a graduating student from De La Salle University
>> spending his internship at Acaleph, mentored by yours truly.
>> Cheers!
>> Alistair A. Israel,
>> Julio Telan,
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