
If the new machine can host the disks of the former machine, it should be 
enough to

a) install the new machine with ceph
b) shutdown the old and new machines
c) move the disks from the old machine to the new
d) reboot the new machine

and the OSDs will show as if nothing happened.


P.S. I explored this idea last year and wrote a few notes at 

On 04/09/2014 14:56, Ding Dinghua wrote:
> Hi all,
>         I'm new to ceph, and apologize if the question has been asked.
>         I have setup a 8-nodes ceph cluster, and after two months running, 
> network controller of an node is broken, so I have to replace the node with 
> an new one.
>         I don't want to trigger data migration, since all I want to do is 
> replacing a node, not shrink the cluster and then enlarge the cluster.
>         I think the following steps may work:
>         1)  set osd_crush_update_on_start to false, so when osd starts, it 
> won't modify crushmap and trigger data migration.
>           2)  set noout flags to prevent osds been kicked out of cluster and 
> trigger data migration
>           3)  mark all osds on the broken node down(actually, since network 
> controller is broken, these osds are already down)
>           4)  prepare osd on the new node, and keep osd_num the same with the 
> osd on the broken node:
>                ceph-osd -i [osd_num] --osd-data=path1 --mkfs
>         5) start osd on the new node, and peering and backfilling work will 
> be started automaticlly
>         6)  wait until 5) complete, and repeat 4) and 5) until all osds on 
> the broken node been moved to the new node
>         I have done some test on my test cluster, and it seemed works, but 
> I'm not quite sure it's right in theory, so any comments will be appreciated.
>         Thanks.
> -- 
> Ding Dinghua
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Loïc Dachary, Artisan Logiciel Libre

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