On Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 3:05 PM, Lyn Mitchell <mitc...@bellsouth.net> wrote:
> Is anyone aware of a way to either reconcile or remove possible orphaned
> “shadow” files in a federated gateway configuration?  The issue we’re seeing
> is the number of chunks/shadow files on the slave has many more “shadow”
> files than the master, the breakdown is as follows:
> master zone:
> .region-1.zone-1.rgw.buckets = 1737 “shadow” files of which there are 10
> distinct sets of tags, an example of 1 distinct set is:
> alph-1.80907.1__shadow_.VTZYW5ubV53wCHAKcnGwrD_yGkyGDuG_1 through
> alph-1.80907.1__shadow_.VTZYW5ubV53wCHAKcnGwrD_yGkyGDuG_516
> slave zone:
> .region-1.zone-2.rgw.buckets = 331961 “shadow” files, of which there are 652
> distinct sets of  tags, examples:
> 1 set having 516 “shadow” files:
> alph-1.80907.1__shadow_.yPT037fjWhTi_UtHWSYPcRWBanaN9Oy_1 through
> alph-1.80907.1__shadow_.yPT037fjWhTi_UtHWSYPcRWBanaN9Oy_516
> 236 sets having 515 “shadow” files apiece:
> alph-1.80907.1__shadow_.RA9KCc_U5T9kBN_ggCUx8VLJk36RSiw_1 through
> alph-1.80907.1__shadow_.RA9KCc_U5T9kBN_ggCUx8VLJk36RSiw_515
> alph-1.80907.1__shadow_.aUWuanLbJD5vbBSD90NWwjkuCxQmvbQ_1 through
> alph-1.80907.1__shadow_.aUWuanLbJD5vbBSD90NWwjkuCxQmvbQ_515

These are all part of the same bucket (prefixed by alph-1.80907.1).

> ….
> The number of shadow files in zone-2 is taking quite a bit of space from the
> OSD’s in the cluster.   Without being able to trace back to the original
> file name from an s3 or rados tag, I have no way of knowing which files
> these are.  Is it possible that the same file may have been replicated
> multiple times, due to network or connectivity issues?
> I can provide any logs or other information that may provide some help,
> however at this point we’re not seeing any real errors.
> Thanks in advance for any help that can be provided,

You can also run the following command on the existing objects within
that specific bucket:

$ radosgw-admin object stat --bucket=<bucket> --object=<object>

This will show the mapping from the rgw object to the rados objects
that construct it.

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