> Mistake? We don't know that.

Okay, so then why are you concerned about the DNR?

If there is no immediate danger, i.e., she's conscious even though
unresponsive, then the DNR doesn't come into play.

> Let's say the answer to all of the
> following questions is no.

So then, for clarity

> > Is she arresting or seizing in any way?


> > Is there a requirement for intubation?


> > CPR?


> > Resuscitation in any way?


> > Is there contact information on the chart or something indicates
> > whether or not the lawyer's wife is capable of making medical
> > decisions for her?

And here is where there might be a problem. If the answer to both of
the above is no then the hospital has a responsiblity to find out who
the next of kin is. I should think that the nursing home from whence
she came should be able to provide that information, if not the
lawyer's wife.

Now I guess there is the possibility that the lawyer's wife might say
something akin to, "I am able to make these descisions," but in the
abscence of confirmation of that, I would think the hospital would
best serve their own interests by calling the place of residence and
getting next of kin information, or at least following up and finding
out if the nursing home knows.

> > If not, then there is no reason to require the DNR be adhered to
> > because she is not in need of resuscitation.

See, if she's breathing and conscious, then there's no need to invoke
the DNR that is on her chart.

> > Are you suggesting that perhaps the DNR on her chart is there by
> > mistake as in the case of your aunt recently?


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