> S.Isaac Dealey wrote:

>>I'm not sure why, but Dana's response reminds me that in
>>TX for a
>>while (not sure if they still do now), Burger King served
>>burgers for
>>breakfast. There's a joke in there about waking up with
>>some hot
>>beef... :P

> I occasionally have a whopper for breakfast at my local
> BK....they get
> so annoyed when you ask for them tho at 8AM, cause they
> have to fire up
> the broiler, etc etc.

Yea, I noticed that... I didn't stop ordering them tho. :)

Granted, part of the reason I was ordering whoppers at 8am is
because... apparently as best I can tell I'm allergic to a new
chemical commercial food manufacturers have introduced into eggs in
the past few years. I can't eat them anymore... Which sucks, I love
eggs, but now they make me hellishly sick. :-( Granted my information
is based on hearsay, but whether it's an allergy I've developed or an
allergy to something new in the eggs is rather a moot issue, since
either way I'm skrewd.

s. isaac dealey     954.522.6080
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

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