> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kevin Graeme [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2005 11:14 AM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: Re: user interface question
> "Copy the great architectures." - Edward Tufte
> "Talent imitates; genius steals." - TS Eliot

You know - this got me thinking.

I've never seen a published, orderly survey of common interface elements.

Basically saying "how you log in", "how do you search", etc.

For example, for this issue at hand, we provide a small capsule of questions
and ask people to fill one one out for every application/system they'll
challenged on.

The questions might be:

1) Name/URL of the System/Application.

2) A short description of it (internal/external/both,
highly/moderately/minimally secure).

3) List of the field names provided ("username", "password", "login ID",

4) List any extra requirements (hard tokens, fingerprint scan, etc).

5) List any options provided ("check here to save your user name" or "log me
in automatically next time").

6) Estimated number of people with access to the application/system.

7) Any personal comments.

8) A screencap (if possible) of the challenge interface.

We could then collate the information and weight the various options used
according to usage, personal preference, etc.

Designers could use this information to help them determine what's best for
their application/environment.

I don't think anything like this exists for interface elements.  In the
graphic design world many books are printed which present hundreds of
examples of some class of work (logos, mastheads, drop caps, etc).  They're
used for inspiration on new work.

Something like that should exist for common interface elements.

Jim Davis

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efficiency by 100%

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