I'd be interested. I think that part of the problem with software
support is that a lot of little opportunities are overlooked....


On 5/5/05, Jim Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Kevin Graeme [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2005 11:14 AM
> > To: CF-Community
> > Subject: Re: user interface question
> >
> > "Copy the great architectures." - Edward Tufte
> >
> > "Talent imitates; genius steals." - TS Eliot
> You know - this got me thinking.
> I've never seen a published, orderly survey of common interface elements.
> Basically saying "how you log in", "how do you search", etc.
> For example, for this issue at hand, we provide a small capsule of questions
> and ask people to fill one one out for every application/system they'll
> challenged on.
> The questions might be:
> 1) Name/URL of the System/Application.
> 2) A short description of it (internal/external/both,
> highly/moderately/minimally secure).
> 3) List of the field names provided ("username", "password", "login ID",
> etc).
> 4) List any extra requirements (hard tokens, fingerprint scan, etc).
> 5) List any options provided ("check here to save your user name" or "log me
> in automatically next time").
> 6) Estimated number of people with access to the application/system.
> 7) Any personal comments.
> 8) A screencap (if possible) of the challenge interface.
> We could then collate the information and weight the various options used
> according to usage, personal preference, etc.
> Designers could use this information to help them determine what's best for
> their application/environment.
> I don't think anything like this exists for interface elements.  In the
> graphic design world many books are printed which present hundreds of
> examples of some class of work (logos, mastheads, drop caps, etc).  They're
> used for inspiration on new work.
> Something like that should exist for common interface elements.
> Jim Davis

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