I teach part time at ITT Tech, mostly Database Design and some electronics courses. I got my schedule for next quarter as well as the rewritten textbooks.
I'm teaching two IT courses, Database Systems Design, Implementation and Management and Web Authoring and Scripting. The web authoring is for a group of students that I know are already *way* beyond the HTML and CSS of the book so I've been given permission already to work ColdFusion and "other" languages into the course. Then I get my new database book - and lo and behold they've changed the text over and it now includes ColdFusion in the text and tow CD's. On one of the CD's there is a trial edition of CFMX as well as an education version of MSSQL Server 2000. (*Boggles*) There is a chapter on web scripting in the database class... and the only language it references is ColdFusion! ROCK! Hatton ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Discover CFTicket - The leading ColdFusion Help Desk and Trouble Ticket application http://www.houseoffusion.com/banners/view.cfm?bannerid=48 Message: http://www.houseoffusion.com/lists.cfm/link=i:5:156502 Archives: http://www.houseoffusion.com/cf_lists/threads.cfm/5 Subscription: http://www.houseoffusion.com/lists.cfm/link=s:5 Unsubscribe: http://www.houseoffusion.com/cf_lists/unsubscribe.cfm?user=11502.10531.5 Donations & Support: http://www.houseoffusion.com/tiny.cfm/54