Thanks for cutting through the bullshit, David.

On 3/13/06, David Churvis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> *delurks for a moment*
> As the resident gay person on this list, I figured I should say *something*
> :D
> Reading this thread, I see a lot of different perspectives on this issue,
> and I think it's an amazing thing that society's reached the point where we
> can even have this discussion.
> I know that everyone's essentially looking for an answer to the nature vs.
> nurture question, but I think that belies a deeper question that society
> continually drills into us: "How can homosexuality be cured?"  How can we
> get rid of this undesirable element so that everyone can be happy and
> normal?  This question is pointless; the question should be instead: "why is
> it that my relationship is not protected in the same way as others?"  I'm
> not so naive as to think that there are no more second-class citizens in our
> society, but why is it that my relationship -- with the man who I love and
> who completes me emotionally, intellectually, spiritually, and in every
> other possible way -- is not afforded the same protections as the
> relationship between two people who get a shotgun wedding in Vegas as a
> joke?  In my opinion, marriage in this country is more harmed by an
> increasingly lax attitude towards the importance of marriage, rather than by
> two men declaring their undying love for one another.
> The bottom line is that for whatever reason, I am incapable of forming the
> same kind of emotional and physical attachment with a woman that I can with
> a man, and I don't think I should be looked down on for that.  The whole
> nature vs. nurture debate is interesting as a curiosity, but I don't think
> it's relevant on the whole to society.  I personally feel that it's a
> mixture of both.
> Just my $0.02 :)
> Dave

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