GG is a racist clear and simple.
He stated as fact blacks weren't as smart using an imaginary study
that he claims exists. The crazy doctor admitted no such studies exist
and couldn't believe he made up such a story. I know picking on Larry
is fun and easy but don't give GG a pass.

Did you actually read Dimmy's comments? Did you understand them?

On 10/31/07, Chesty Puller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The problem isn't that Gruss or I really want to know or care, or that
> anybody looking for another way to segregate people, it's the fact that the
> idea is being summarily dismissed as impossible, not improbable.   An
> incredible scientist made a statement that is being rejected based on
> politics of the day rather than by serious study.  Larry has said that it's
> not true based on previous studies... but hasn't admitted that
> scientifically, according to the prevailing theories of evolution, it's
> possible.  He says it's unethical and illegal, but has yet to provide any
> sourcess backing that up - which is beside the point in any case. That's the
> crux - instead of bashing it scientifically as impossible because it's
> revolting, admit that there's a possibility that it might have a grain of
> truth based on evolutionary theory, but that study hasn't borne any
> empirical evidence towards it, probably due to the fact that the human race
> is so mixed up genetically that there are no markers to conclude the actual
> racial makeup of a person, nor a way to discount environmental factors.
> - Matt

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