>  Given that your popular view is the Constitution, I go
> for the constitution. As for homosexuality, they're
> people right, don't they have the right of association?
> Given that homosexuality is physiologically based,
> denying them rights based on a physical feature is
> akin to denying minority groups the right to marry
> based on their physical features.

Where I have a problem is in the Government giving my tax dollars to
individuals, couples or groups doing things that I find morally wrong.
 I don't care if you're talking about stem-cells, same sex marriage or

> As for prayer in schools, schools are a government
> institution, it would be a violation of the establishment
> clause if they were school sponsored.

So long as there are tests, there will continue to be prayer in
school... okay, it's an old joke but it fits here.

Also, my gripe with schools goes WAY beyond prayer.  Telling a choir
or band that they cannot perform a piece of music because it has
religious reference is something that sticks in my craw pretty hard.
So is telling a group of students that they cannot gather on school
property before classes start but after the school opens to hold any
kind of religious gathering.

>  You are, you're not required not to worship at your church, just that
> you do not require the rest of us to worship your deity. Your rights
> end when they interfere with the rights of others.

Yet we as Christians are supposed to blindly accept it when someone
belittles our belief system?  We're supposed to turn a blind eye to
schools teaching our children, by example and reference, that things
such as premarital sex and gender bending are things that they are
supposed to do?  It's not our right to tell someone to watch their
language around our children?  Our hard earned tax dollars are
supposed to be funneled into abortion clinics?

I will say this - we are a lot LESS of a "Christian" nation than we
were some 60 years ago.  Blue laws have been repealed.  The FCC allows
a lot more on the air.  Cable, satellite and Internet have made the
world an extremely small place and let groups get their message out
louder than before (with enough money).  Remember that at one time
there was a CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT that banned the sale or
consumption of alcohol.

I'm not trying to foist my views on you any more, stop trying to foist
yours on me.


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