Any of you that have paid attention know I was planning on writing in 
Ron Paul this year.

However for the first time in my adult life one of the major parties has 
managed to grab my attention.  While I haven't been excited by either of 
the major candidates for President, the recent republican pick of Sarah 
Palin has really energized me.

I know a great many of you don't agree with my politics.  I don't care. 
  I truly believe in small, non intrusive, decentralized government.  I 
believe in what we are doing in Iraq and Afghanistan.  I believe that 
the 2nd amendment is an individual right.  I want to see politicians 
that can cut spending and make our federal government smaller and less 

The main things that have turned me around:

1.  Palin is a gun owner, a hunter, a life member of the NRA.
2.  As Mayor she cut her own salary and cut property taxes by 60%.
3.  While I am pro-choice I really admire the fact that she carried to 
term her latest son knowing he had issues.
4.  She is a true outsider.  She came to power in AK by nailing corrupt 
republicans in her state, these were members of her own party.

Seriously, this woman seems to be the first "real" person I've seen 
running in this country in a long time.  She seems to be a regular 
American to me, one that understands the trials we go through regularly.

Obama is a rich elitist world traveler.  McCain is barely a republican, 
much less an actual conservative.  Biden is a DC insider if ever there 
was one.

The recent heller decision really brought home to me the importance of 
the judiciary.  The next president is going to appoint members of the 
court most likely.

One way or the other, these are interesting times.

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