> Dino wrote:
> I guess we shouldn't teach them to read either? I mean, if we do they'll get
> thoughts in their head and they can't have those till 18. right?

They can read and think all they want as long as they don't annoy me
by voicing their thoughts.

Or voice them to others over their cell phones during movies.

Or, really, anywhere.

Ok, no cell phones if you're under 18.

Also, if you're under 18 and you're talking to your friends, you can
whisper to your friends, but that's it.

In fact, no talking above a whisper ever.

Unless you're answering a question I'm asking you and I'm yelling at
you from across the room.  Otherwise, only whispers.

And no stereos or headphones or anything that can be heard above a whisper.

As cool as you think your music is, it's not. It sucks.  So I don't
want to hear it.  Not even if you have your windows rolled up or your
headphones on because I can still hear it.  So if it's above a
whisper, turn that song from The Best of Sucks down.

If it's anything that approaches the sound of my lawn mower, it better
be my lawn mower you're using to mow my lawn.

Oh.  You can play in my yard all you want, though.  Especially
football.  If you want to yell football things while playing football,
that's fine.  Then you can yell.

If you're playing football on a video game because you're too wussy to
play it in real life, then shut the feck up.

Ok, that's a start.

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