whAAATTT..............  sam you have slipped over the edge.  As for
the anti-gay-donation list, all other things being equal I would
prefer to send my money elsewhere, and this is not one of my
dealbreaker issues. I just would prefer not to support such ideas.

On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 9:36 AM, Sam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 9:08 AM, David Churvis
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> You and I disagree on whether the epithets at the Palin rally were real, but
>> that's immaterial to this.  I've already said that anyone who uses racial
>> epithets is wrong, and I do care about this issue.  I can't fault you for
>> thinking that "nobody seems to care", but let me assure you that there has
>> been plenty of attention devoted to this problem within the gay media, as
>> well as during the rallies on Saturday.
> I didn't see it on the evening news, yahoo or google news and it
> wasn't mentioned on this list which seems to have claimed every single
> statement made by a McCain/Palin supporter represents all of them.
> I'm glad it's getting attention and hope it shames the fools into
> re-evaluating there feelings.
>> And there is nothing McCarthy-like about this boycott at all.  McCarthy was
>> trumping up untrue charges against people based on no evidence whatsoever,
>> ruining careers in the process by associating people with what was at that
>> time the most evil thing imaginable to most people, namely Communism.
> Actually, everyone on his list was eventually proven to be working
> with communists. The threats and dangers were real. I'm not saying I
> agree with his tactics, he went about it the wrong way and he went too
> far. But it was all real.
>> In this case, someone found an actual, verifiable list of donors, and has
>> posted the list so that people can be aware of what individuals and
>> businesses supported Prop 8, so that people can make an informed decision
>> about where to send their business.  There is no persecution, no one is
>> being unfairly targeted, no one is having their lives ruined by baseless
>> speculation.
> The musical theater guy quit his job to save the theater. That's not
> the same as a theater officially donating. If a business gets
> boycotted because of a single employee's personal actions, chances are
> he's going to be let go to save the company. That's the intention of
> the blacklist. I'm all for targeting the business if they have an
> official position, but not based on employee actions. Imagine if they
> published the opposite list and asked people to boycott the companies
> with employees that opposed the measure.

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