On 3/26/2010 6:58 AM, Sam wrote:
> I realize that but there's no list so I'd hate to spend the money and
> find out it's same as Hulu.  Is there 100s, 1000s? Are they always
> there or do the rotate in? I realize it's only $10 a month but times
> are tig

10,000s and growing.  Most are always there but some rotate in and out.  
That is up to the content provider not Netflix.  Some are obvious 
advertisement teases.  Like you can get season one of a series 
streaming, but then the rest are only available on disk.  (That is the 
tolerable variation to me, I hate the version where it is season two or 
three that is the only one available on streaming!)  But as I already 
said, new releases are few and far between.

The thing to remember is that streaming is a free add on to all disk at 
home plans.  Netflix does not currently have a streaming only plan.  So 
while there is much content not yet available to streaming that content 
is always available by disk-by-mail.

Once Netflix has the disks of course.  Netflix recently signed a deal 
with Warner Bros. to not release Warner content for 28 days by disk or 
stream in order to get access to much of the Warner library for 
streaming.  I am most interested to see what this does for the streaming 
content available.

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